Cambridge Primary School

Quality - Tradition – Innovation

Extended Learning Programme

At Cambridge Primary School we offer an Extension Programme to Year 5 and 6 children. There is a process for selection. This begins with a parent, teacher, or peer nomination through the attached nomination form. Next, the Extension Teacher discusses names with their classroom teachers and follows up for any clarity with parents.

The parent nomination form is an important part of the process for us to see what your child is like at home and whether this differs from school.

The group of children mainly stays the same for the year, however, there is some movement depending on the number of children on the register. If your child does not make it into Extension Class for Term One, they are still recorded on the register until a space becomes available. The class currently operates on a Tuesday in the Science Room. The children are split into two groups so attend Extension for half a day each. 

Please complete the Parent Nomination Form by clicking this link.

For more information please click on the link below:

Extension Programme Information