School Amenities Donation
Our school has a voluntary school amenities donation annually per student. This voluntary donation supports the Operational funding that the school receives from the Ministry of Education. This funding never allows for extra opportunities for students and therefore any donations made certainly enhances the learning opportunities the school is able to provide to students. The amount is set by the Board of Trustees each year and deemed to be an acceptable amount per student.
Internet Banking: If you would like to make payments via internet banking, please use the following details. Cambridge Primary School Account Number: Our account number is ASB Account, 12-3268 0023215-00. In the reference field, please simply state child's full name and what the payment is for. For example, Tom Brown, Y4 Camp.
Please note this CPS account differs to, and therefore should not be used for PTA or Four Peaks payments. Their account numbers can be found on the PTA and Four Peaks pages of the website.
Each syndicate has set stationery requirements. At the end of the year, our stationery requirements are confirmed and loaded onto Please access Myschool at to order and pay for your child/rens stationery requirements. Simply select Cambridge School to begin the order process. Packs are delivered your selected address.