Cambridge Primary School

Quality - Tradition – Innovation

Home Learning

Home learning is designed to provide a positive link between home and school. Students commit to an independent task four nights per week, which reinforces and extends the classroom programme to enhance teaching and learning.

The class teacher:

  • outlines expectations, routines, and suggested time requirements for homework to students and parents at the start of the year
  • sets homework that reflects students’ changing ages and stages, individual needs, and reinforces teaching, learning and creativity
  • sets homework which considers our school's key competencies: Adventuring and Exploring, Citizenship, Communication, Self Identity and Thinking.
  • monitors home learning and provides feedback and/or feedforward to students and parents
  • ensures students understand their home learning tasks and can work independently, where possible
  • communicates home learning concerns to parents
  • reviews the home learning programme each term to ensure maximum student engagement (this will be completed at team level).


  • are responsible for their own home learning in terms of completion and time management
  • take pride in their presentation
  • understand their home learning tasks and work as independently as possible.


  • encourage and support their children
  • provide feedback to the child and the teacher
  • communicate with the teacher if their child is unable to complete the homework, or if family or other circumstances take priority.


  1. Home learning is introduced and explained verbally to students by the teacher.
  2. Home learning will be checked by the classroom teacher.

Time expectations for each syndicate:

  • Batten (new entrants) 15 minutes, 4 days a week – reading, basic facts, basic sight words
  • Blake (Y 1/2) 20 minutes, 4 days a week – reading, basic facts, basic sight words
  • Hillary (Y 3/4) 25 minutes, 4 days a week – mathematics and literacy
  • Rutherford (Y 5/6) 30 minutes, 4 days a week – mathematics, literacy and projects (limited).